
曼彻斯特大学ZHONG Shan教授做讲座

发布时间:2023-09-01    作者:      来源:       浏览次数:





“A brief overview of the recent flow control research activities at the University of Manchester”

报告专家:ZHONG Shan教授 空气动力学系主任 曼彻斯特大学

About the talk

Flow control is a process of implementing either a passive or active technique to affect a given flow filed in a desirable way. It has the potential to achieve a gain in aerodynamic performance beyond via modifying surface geometry alone. In this presentation, Prof Zhong will give a brief overview of the research work carried out in her research group at the University of Manchester in the recent years. This includes the use of bio-inspired riblets in reducing the pressure losses in linear cascades and attenuating shockwave-induced flow separation as well as sweeping jets for controlling the afterbody vortices behind a cylindrical model with a slanted base. The most recent work in her group using reinforced learning to actively control vortex shedding behind a circular cylinder will be also be presented.  

About the speaker

Shan Zhong obtained her BEng and MEng degree from Tsinghua University and her PhD degree from Cambridge University. She joined The University of Manchester as a faculty member in 1997 after having worked as a postdoctoral research associate at Oxford University for three years. She is now Professor of Experimental Fluid Mechanics and the head of Aerodynamics Research Group at the School of MACE.

Prof Zhong's research is concerned with fluid flows. She is particularly interested in studying the fundamental physical mechanics of complex fluid phenomenon using various experimental methods, including PIV and flow visualization techniques. Her research work spans a wide range of flow regimes from low-Reynolds number propulsion to supersonic flow. The primary focus of her current work is flow control with the aim of increasing aerodynamics performance, operation range and fuel efficiency of turbomachinery and air/land transportation vehicles. By far, she has published over 140 papers in international journal and conferences, and supervised more than 20 PhD students to a successful completion of their projects as their main supervisor.

Prof Zhong is a Fellow of Royal Aeronautical Society and a senior life-time member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.


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